On the general subject of identity and architecture:
· Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities. London: Verso. 1991.
Discussion of the idea of nationalism, its beginnings, and its evolution. Argues that nations are “imagined” communities of unrelated peoples bounded by meaningless political lines.
· Herrle, Peter. Architecture and Identity. Lit. 2005.
Collection of essays involving the role of architecture in the perceived loss of identity in cities. Dispels belief of inherited or prefabricated identity.
· Gillis, John. Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity. New Jersey: Princeton. 1994.
Discusses relationship between identity and memory, particularly in the context of nations and how to acknowledge their past. Important regarding the role of history on the current condition of German identity.
· Dovey, Kim. Becoming places : urbanism/architecture/identity/power. New York: Routledge. 2010.
Analysis of how place affects identity and social relation. States people become defined by where they are from and the environment they live in. Uses studies such as nationalist monuments and post-war suburbs.
On the history and architecture of Berlin:
· Ladd, Brian. The Ghosts of Berlin. Chicago: University of Chicago. 1997.
Analyzes the history of Berlin and its built environment, broken down by subject using a specific district as focus: The Berlin Wall, Historical city core, Weimar era, Nazi era, East Berlin, and reunified. Reference for different styles and how each affected the city.
· Daum, Andreas. Berlin, Washington, 1800-2000 : capital cities, cultural representation, and national identities. New York: Cambridge. 2005.
Examines the urban landscape of Berlin compared to that of Washington, DC. Looks at how the political situation is reflected in the architecture and social environment in the city.
· Schreiber, Mathias. “Interview with Albert Speer: ‘Calamity of Postwar Construction came from Rejecting History” Spiegel Online, 8, November 2010 .
Interview with son of Hitler’s architect Albert Speer. Argues that the disasters in the housing situation in Berlin came from an attempt by both sides to ignore their history. The refusal to acknowledge its past resulted in the current architectural landscape, fragmented and unsuitable for many people.
On current situation in Berlin:
· Gittus, E. J. “Berlin as a Conduit for the Creation of German National Identity at the End of the Twentieth Century,” in Space and Polity. Volume 6, Issue 1, April 2002.
How Berlin and its development since reunification has been regarded as the model for a national identity. The modern developments in conjunction with historical sites are all relevant in the new nation, but mainly has been used by the elite as a way to market the “new” Germany.
· Marcuse, Peter. “Reflections on Berlin: The meaning of construction and the construction of meaning,” in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Volume 22, Issue 2, June 1998.
Questions what the new developments and hundreds of construction sites in Berlin mean for its future. Are they trying to create a new symbol of Berlin through starchitects and international competitions? And What does that mean for the current population of the city?
· Krüger, Thomas. “Architeckturstadtplan Berlin” 2006.
Not really a book, but a reference guide and map of nearly all notable buildings in Berlin with dates, architects, and summary. A good reference guide, since it is cross-referenced by location, age, type, etc.
· Scheuermann, Christoph. “Building Spree: Developers and Dreamers battle over Berlin Identity” Spiegel Online, 11 September 2008.
Article on the current battle between developers/government and the local architects and people in Berlin over the future of a former Berlin Wall site on the river. Developers want megastructures and a new Media-center, while the people want a return to the styles present in the local area, if any development at all.
On the specific topic of the Berlin Wall and its effect on the city:
· Rose, Brian. The Lost Border: The Landscape of the Iron Curtain. 2004.
Photo documentation of several areas along the wall, illustrating the conditions that developed on both sides as a result.
Topics most frequently discussed:
“Collective memory” and “Selective memory construction”
-dictated by govt?
-used to attract business?
-erasure of former DDR buildings and their legacy through “critical reconstruction”
Representation of identity in monuments,
-determination of location
-develop urban planning principles
Integration vs. alienation of groups of people
Relation to a “national” identity
Critical reconstruction fails to recognize changes since 1930s, nostalgic return to romanticized Germany
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