21 September 2010

Revised methodology

Yes, it's the plan of the Jewish Museum.  But I think it's a good parti for the form of my thinking of the process.  The straight line is the desired path to completion, while the dark line is the actual path to getting there, hitting the goals at certain points, but making a broader approach and deviating.


  1. That's a pretty interesting way of using architecture to illustrate process. I think you might be limiting yourself, still, by implying the process is purely linear. What would the parti look like if the path diverged, turned back on itself, or joined up again farther down the line? What implications would that have on the product?

  2. Yes, I've been thinking about that. I obviously don't have a direct linear path with a set goal yet, but if you look at it mire like a timeline with a known start and (hopefully) end date, the actual path taken has more freedom to change and be adjusted.
